Berlin designers discuss how to choose the best colour for your kitchen

White kitchens are a thing of the past! Today’s products are colourful, bright and, most importantly, impressive. Find out what to look for when choosing a colour for your kitchen. As this year’s kitchen trends prove, kitchens have become the busiest parts of our homes.

Open kitchens and sometimes separate islands that connect to the living area have become popular. At the same time, we are seeing a shift from sterile kitchen themes to bright colours and personal touches. “But let’s ignore these trends for now, because they always come out quickly,” says Berlin-based interior designer Ester Bruzkus. – Fine materials, natural stone with interesting patterns and “beautiful colours in an interior are always eye-catching and fun.

Do the light in the room and its size play a role in the choice of colour?”

suggests Bruzkus. This is especially true for open kitchens – in our Kastle project, all front cabinets, shelves, wall panels and kitchen furniture are made of oak. This allows the kitchen to be integrated into the overall design of the room, such as shelves, secret doors or pantries. “The furniture needs to take over the design language so that the kitchen doesn’t draw attention,” explains Bruzkus. There’s plenty of room to play with, be it a door or a wall.

The first rule in this case is to be allowed to do whatever you want.

“The most important thing is to like the materials and colors you use,” says Bruzkus. Bruzkus believes that a bright room can’t be too bright, while a dark room benefits from rich, harmonious deep tones. In other words: a sunny kitchen will look beautiful if its facade is made of light wood or pink. “On the other hand, in a room without light, I would choose rich dark colors to create an elegant impression,” explains Bruzkus.

You can add shiny metal or glass to enhance the design of the room.

Cold and warm, thick and thin, soft and hard, light and dark; after all, it is always about change. This has the opportunity to create a special ambiance. composition, so give the designer and the project a special direction «

Size no problem
The good news is that size. The light and size of the room do not play a significant role in choosing the color of the kitchen. There’s no reason why a small kitchen should be cluttered. Despite the limited space, countertops, cabinet fronts and splashbacks offer opportunities to play with materials and space. Si says any colour will do, as long as it takes into account the existing colour palette. – I think it’s best if everything is the same colour. For example, in my home we create a combination of materials for the countertops, backsplashes and shelves. Mix beautiful colours with warm woods.

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